Tea Tree Face Wash // Lemon & Pink Grapefruit

As I have mentioned on this blog I pretty much only use tea tree face wash because it does my skin the world of good but I hate the scent of tea tree. I used The Body Shop tea tree face wash for a few months but I wanted a change and I knew Superdrug did these scented tea tree face washes that are so much nicer than The Body Shop one.

I went in and they were buy one get one free which was such a steal. I like that they opted for citrus fruits with these face washes because that is the wake up you need in the morning, I'm not the biggest fan of pink grapefruit scents but this face wash isn't that strong and its good for your skin so I'm not complaining! However, I do love lemon. Lemon scented anything, I guarantee I will love so I obviously had to pick up this lemon facewash and lemon is also good for your skin so its a win-win situation.

These foam up quite alot compared to The Body Shop one which is the downside of these because its so annoying and it goes in your eyes which is not enjoyable. I will probably be repurchasing The Body Shop tea tree face wash when these are gone because although the scent is 10x better, The Body Shop one lasts a hell of alot longer and is probably more beneficial to your skin which is the priority. What tea tree face washes would you recommend?

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