Monthly Favourites // August

August has been the best month for me blogging wise, I have done so many posts and gained a few followers and I am enjoying blogging more than ever at the moment. Sadly this month I start college and hopefully get a job so summer is officially coming to end, this means my posts will most likely be less frequent but I hope to blog just as much as last month and I already have a few posts written that I can post in the coming week. But for now this is my August favourites!

Soap and Glory Mist You Madly Spray / LINK
I mentioned this is my Soap and Glory haul but I just had to add this to my monthly favourites because I have been using this like crazy, I would say this was my most used spray throughout August and I have been opting for this over my usual perfume. For a body spray, the scent is so long lasting, the bottle is gorgeous and it is reasonably cheap for what it is.

Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in 'Red Island' / LINK
This was an impulse buy as lip crayons are something I have never really used so I saw this in Superdrug and I thought I would give it a go as I don't own alot of red in my lip collection, I have been using this alot. The colour is gorgeous and it is super long lasting, personally I would choose a lip gloss over a lip crayon but I do see the appeal in lip crayons.

No.7 Nail Polish in 'So Simple' / LINK
I have bought quite a few nail polishes this month but this is by far my favourite because the colour is exactly what I have been looking for and Boots gave me a £3 voucher for cosmetics so this nail polish only costed me £3 as it was originally £6 which is such a steal and it is a beautiful colour, plus it is very long lasting.

Kryolan for Glossybox Highlighter in 'Cashmere' / LINK
I got this highlighter in my August Glossybox and before that I had never worn highlighter. I don't know how I ever lived without it, it has become an essential in my everyday make-up and this one in particular is so easy to apply and really shows. I got a highlighter in my Birchbox aswell in pencil form but I don't like that one as much, I apply the pencil in the corner of my eye which covers my tiredness up but pencil application isn't my favourite.

TV Show: Fresh Meat
As far as I know this show finished last December and I don't think there will be a new season (I hope there is but its unlikely) but I have been watching Fresh Meat almost everyday, its amazing! All the characters are perfect and everything just fits together perfectly. Watch it here in 4oD.

What have been your August favourites?


  1. I love that Soap & Glory body spray, it smells amazing!

    Beth | BeautyBubbles♡

    1. Same! You can never go wrong with soap and glory scents :)

  2. Oh my god!!! I didn't know about the Soap and Glory mist - is it like their sweet smelling products?? I LOVE that smell…..ahhhhh I need it hahaha! :)

    Layla xx

    1. It smells alot like the scrub em or leave em body buff, if you have used that! It is heavenly, you need to try it :) xo


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