Exciting things are happening!

Hello, hello. Sorry for not posting in a while, I feel like every couple of months I make a post about apologising for lack of posting but I do need to get on top of my posts. Anyway, I thought I would do a quick post about what's going on in my life right now, partly because I just want to write it for myself as I am happy and excited and partly because I want to share my life with you guys!

As you may (or may not) know I do study photography in college at the moment but I really am not enjoying it because I don't have the passion for photography that I did this time last year when I chose to do it so I have been looking for other options and I did a hell of a lot of research on jobs and what to study etc. I was scared of doing something again and changing my mind AGAIN but I decided I would really like to be a fashion buyer and work in the retail side of fashion.

After looking into a lot of options I decided to go for an apprenticeship. I'm not to sure if this is a global thing that people have the option to do but here in the UK an apprenticeship is a career path you can take after year 11 (aged 16) to go straight into a job of your choice while studying on the side which is funded by the government. It is a fantastic programme that they offer and I'm sure many people are grateful for it, I looked around and got rejected by a few but then I got an interview for Next!

I had my interview on Monday and I got it!!! So long story short, I will be starting a full time job in 2 weeks in the sector I want while working towards my goal of a fashion buyer. Some people look down on apprenticeships because its an option a lot of people take when they fail all of their GCSE's but I passed all of my 10 GCSE's so its not always true. I will be getting paid more than I do now, working more which means saving more money, buying more things which will lead to me travelling and shopping (my two favourite hobbies).

On another note, I am really happy I posted my first OOTD and I know I don't post a great deal of photos of myself here on Magazines and Dreams so this may not make a massive difference but I actually dyed my hair brown over the weekend which was a big deal for me because I've always been a blondie so I wasn't sure how I would look or if I would like it but I am in love with it so I will be posting some more OOTD posts and maybe some FOTD posts if I have the confidence for that.

That is the end of my little life update! Congrats on making it to the end and I look forward to sharing the rest of my journeys with you guys. x


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