Monthly Favourites // May

So its June?! How did this happen? This year has completely flown by but so far this year has been amazing! I have been putting blogging on the back burner these past few months but I do want to take blogging to the next step, so to speak. I bought myself a domain and got myself a new snazzy blog theme which I adore so you will be hearing a lot from me in June, hopefully a few more OOTD posts, if summer would actually reach England. Anyway, heres what I have been loving in May.

I've really been experimenting with eye make-up this month and for Christmas I received a Bare Minerals eyeshadow in 'Glimpse' which I have been using like crazy, it gives a great base for other colours or you can just wear it by itself to add something a little extra to your look. I also got the Real Techniques Starter set which has helped me along the way.

Okay this is an old favourite for me but I thought I had lost this so naturally since I've found it I haven't let it go out of my sight. This Nivea Lip Butter in 'Raspberry Rose' is perfect, the whole range of Nivea lip butter's is to be honest but this is my personal favourite because of the smell, taste and the pretty packaging.

Currently writing a full post for this product but The Body Shop Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturiser is the only moisturiser I have used for the past 2 weeks, I got it on a whim because as always The Body Shop had an amazing deal on so I treated myself and let me tell you my skin has really benefited from this.

Not the first time this Kardashian Beauty Honey Stick has had a mention on my blog but this month I have been using it like crazy, I am a huge fan of Kardashian Beauty which is only natural from my love for the family and this lip gloss is gorgeous.

A new favourite for me, I discovered Broad City this month and I fell in love. The show is brilliant, its so funny and unapologetic, I binged watched it in about 2 days and the only complaint I have about this show is why aren't there more episodes?! Give it a watch, I feel it might not be everyone's cup of tea but I urge you all to give it a go!

That wraps my favourites for this month! I look forward to the next half of 2015.


Heather x

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