Back to school essentials!♡

I realise this may be abit late because everyone went back to school in September but I really wanted to make a post about this! Anyway here are my back to school essentials:

Bag. :)
Starting off with my bag, I love it! Not only do I love the owl patterns on the outside but the size of it is perfect for everything I need and it has two smaller pockets at the front. In the actually bag it also has a pocket and theres one at the back of the bag. So its safe to say it has enough room for all my things :)

One of my absolute essentials is to carry a small bag, it can be like a make-up bag or a purse whatever you prefer. Basically something that you can put some beauty things in, I never used to carry one of these but now I do and its so useful! Personally I don't take any make-up as I don't wear make-up to school, my school does allow it but honestly when I wake up at 6:30am the last thing I wanna do is try and apply make-up. In mine I carry hand sanitiser, lip balm, baby lips & my Taylor Swift perfume. I find I do usually use these daily, maybe you guys don't need these but to me they are the perfect things to just have handy for you.

2 of my other essentials are mints & money! I always have either chewies/mints because I am super paranoid about my breath smelling bad. I always have money (only about £2 - £5) in case I am really hungry and the lunch I brought doesn't fill me up, I go to my school cafeteria. I am also guilty of buying magazines on the way to school (aha oops). I keep my money in the little Barcelona tin.

Lastly, something I think everyone kind of needs is a notebook and pens. I keep my pens/pencils in a tin (the flowery one) because I always break zips on pencil cases and I find a tin actually fits more in anyway. I got my notebook for my birthday but it is from paperchase I believe so if you would like one like that be sure to go there. Our school gives us journals to write down our homework but I hate them so much! They are tiny and urgh no I can't. So this notebook is perfect for me and its a good size for all my homework, it also works for last minute homework.

Thank you for reading! Also if you could help me out and click on the ads on my tumblr blog here because I would like some extra money so I can start doing giveaways and more hauls for this blog. I really want to try hard with this blog. So thank you for reading xo

Here is where you can buy my bag.
Here is my tumblr blog.
Here is my twitter.
Here is my pinterest.

My next post is likely to be on Friday/Thursday & it will be my October Favourites! I look foward to it as its my first time doing a favourites post :)


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